
漢網學院Chinese Associate Academy位於台北市大安捷運站斜對面, 提

Chinese Associate Academy community map
漢網學院Chinese Associate Academy位於台北市大安捷運站斜對面, 提供國人及外籍人士各項優質外語教學服務.服務項目包含:
 英語, 日語, 華語各級生活會話及讀寫課程; 成人商務外語課程; 真人同步線上外語課程; 華語師資培訓課程; 華語遊學課程; 華語課程企劃; 成人華語教材銷售; 青少年華語教材銷售;  數位華語內容設計等. 網址: http://www.chineseassociate.com ; 電話 +886-2-2325-3068; Email: info@chineseassociate.com; Fax: +886-2-23253090.

Chinese Associate Academy is a member school of Chinese Learning Industry Consortium, Taiwan (CLICT).  Operated by professionals who have been working in the field of Teaching Chinese as a Second Language for over 15 years, Chinese Associate Academy is one of few institutions which deliver systematic teaching service such as real lessons, online real-time lessons, teacher training service, material supply, project collaboration, etc.  To explore global Chinese language education market, Chinese Associate Academy welcomes opportunities to serve individuals and institutions with education passion and business vision.
